Tag Archives: Global Village

Global Village is go, go, go!

We are so pleased to be able to return to Tynwald Day with another Global Village this year, thanks to support from the Isle of Man Government’s International Development Education and Awareness Raising grant. We’re looking forward to another day … Continue reading

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Visit us at the Global Village

It’s July, it’s the Isle of Man, Tynwald Day is nearly here – it must be time for the Global Village! After an enforced break last year, we are looking forward to another family-friendly celebration of food, fun, song, music … Continue reading

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Help us celebrate cultural diversity on the Isle of Man

Sadly, we won’t be able to run our Global Village on Tynwald Day this year due to the CoVID-19 pandemic but we would still like to celebrate the cultural diversity of the Isle of Man, if only in a virtual … Continue reading

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Get yourself down to the Global Village

It’s almost July so it’s almost time for the Global Village. Each year we try to bring an international dimension to the Tynwald Day celebrations to mark our cultural diversity and the Isle of Man’s place in the wider world. This … Continue reading

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Global Village

We were delighted to welcome Swedish dancers to the Global Village on Wednesday, complete with their own musicians. For half an hour they entertained us with a variety of group dances, elegant in their beautiful costumes. This photo was taken … Continue reading

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Sun Shines again on Global Village

What a relief to have sunshine and a dry day for the Global Village after last year’s rain-soaked occasion!  By lunchtime hundreds of people were exploring the Village, waiting for the Indian Dancer to begin, and sampling food from the … Continue reading

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Global Village was Great!

The sun shone all day and hundreds of people made their way down from the Fairfield to taste Indian, Filipino, German and African food; to browse the stalls of charities working in other countries; to join in activities; and to … Continue reading

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Global Village

It will soon be time for our next Global Village – Tynwald Day (Monday 7th July). This year we will be in the Arboretum, which will be much closer to the heart of the action. There will be stalls run … Continue reading

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