The One World Centre office is packed full of books, posters, dvds and other resources on all aspects of global learning that are available for loan to schools, other groups and interested individuals.
Whether you’re looking for help with the Sustainable Development Goals, ethical consumption, environmental issues, modern slavery or any other aspect of international development, we probably have something on our shelf – or can point you in the right direction!
We are also happy to provide talks and insight on global issues – please get in touch if you’ve got a particular request.
Online resources by topic
Sustainable Development Goals
A fantastic resource for all ages that helps bring the Global Goals to life:
A guide to the many different ways learners can engage with the Global Goals: Oxfam Guide to Sustainable Development Education for Teachers
Climate change
Explore climate science with NASA:
Resources to help illustrate the impacts of climate change on the planet and all the species who live on it:
A quick and easy introduction to why we need climate education – part of the World’s Largest Lesson programme:
Ideas from Leeds Development Education Centre about how climate change themes and issues can be integrated into existing lesson subjects such as Maths, MFL, Science, RE & Citizenship.
Education unlocks climate action: Cross-curricular activities for ages 7-11 and 11-16 that also enourage critical thinking, with inspiration from Theirworld’s Global Youth Ambassadors and ideas on how to work collaboratively to take collective climate action in school and in the community:
Fair trade
Fairtrade Foundation’s Schools site has a huge number of lesson plans, assembly ideas and videos:
Global Citizenship
A useful resource from Ireland looking at how global citizenship can beintroduced across many areas of the curriculum:
Oxfam has some teacher guides on global citizenship and its role in the classroom as well as ideas for activities:
A fabulous repository for global education resources, Global Dimension can direct you to information on a huge range of topics and keep you up to date with the latest publications:
Take a journey as a refugee with CAFOD’s role playing activity On the Move
Looking at refugee crises through a humanitarian lens – the Red Cross has created two “newsthink” resources to help students understand and emphasize with those fleeing their homeland, one based on Ukraine and one based on Afghanistan. Compare the two to encourage critical thinking around how and why we might respond differently to different crises.