Global Village is go, go, go!

We are so pleased to be able to return to Tynwald Day with another Global Village this year, thanks to support from the Isle of Man Government’s International Development Education and Awareness Raising grant.

We’re looking forward to another day of fun, food, music, song and dance from around the world as well as loads of stalls from charities and other groups dedicated to making the world a fairer and more sustainable place for all.

Running from 10am to 4pm on Tynwald Day 5th July in the Arboretum at St Johns, we will have:

Stalls: One World Centre, Amnesty International, Isle of Man Chinese Association, Christian Aid  Earthscope, Energy & Sustainability Centre, Fairtrade, Friends of the Earth, Leprosy Mission, Manx Birdlife, Manx Whale & Dolphin Watch, Manx Wildlife Trust, OMA, Pahar Trust Nepal, Ripple Effect, Sand Dams Worldwide, Manx Support of Ukraine, Western Amenity site.

Food: Jomhel (Filipino), Kas’s Durban Curries, Holy Crepe, Sugar & Spice and Mrs Jock’s.

Performances: KOJAK brass quintet (Faroe Islands), Clash Voar, Didgeridoo, Hand Pan, Dilruba, Harp, Rhythm of Bulgaria, Chinese and Filipino dancing, Mollag Band.

It’s free to enter and promises to be a fun family day out so do come along and see us!

(NB There is a flat way in to the Arboretum via Glen Mooar Road as well as the paths down from the main Tynwald Fairfield.)

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Introducing Mighty Movies

Mighty Movies is a new initiative showcasing films from other countries or that have a global perspective.

Our first film will be Winners, which we are screening in collaboration with Henry Bloom Library in Douglas. This is a movie from Iran,  set in a small provincial town, where the children work hard to support their families. One day nine-year-old Yahya and his friend Leyla find a precious statue. Sharing a passion for cinema, Yahya’s boss Naser Khan decides to help them find the owner.

The film is in Persian but has English subtitles and is rated PG. The screening takes place at 7pm on Thursday 20th June, downstairs in the library. No booking required.

This will be the first of a series of films – if you have a favourite you would like to nominate, please let us know.

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SDG Art Competition 2024 launches – Making the World a Fairer Place

We are pleased to announce the launch of our annual SDG Art Competition which this year focuses on SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities.

Recognising that the world is not an equal place, the competition is aimed at young people up to age 18 and asks them create a poster on the theme of Making the World a Fairer Place. There are three classes of entry – Up to Year 6, Year 7 to Year 9, and Year 10 to Year 13.

There are creative vouchers to the value of £35 for the winners in each class and also six runners up prizes of £10 vouchers. The closing date is 19th July 2024.

For useful information, the entry form and a copy of the flyer, see our page here

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Isle of Man’s Fairtrade status renewed

With World Fairtrade Day being marked last Saturday, we finally found time to announce that the Isle of Man has had its Fairtrade status renewed until July 2026 by the Fairtrade Foundation.

We are also pleased to announce that the Island’s Fairtrade Group has also been awarded all five of the new community badges that have been made available. These include badges for campaigning, change-making and being Fairtrade ambassadors.

The Fairtrade Foundation has introduced these to acknowledge that “every action taken on a local level adds to raising awareness of the issues of unfair trade and furthers the progress of workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay for farmers and workers globally”.

Although small in numbers, the Isle of Man Fairtrade Group works hard with local stockists to promote Fairtrade and carries out awareness raising activities with schools, churches, workplaces and the general public.

Pictured are some of the Isle of Man Fairtrade Group with the new certificate and also some of the children from St Mary’s Primary School Eco-Club who regularly hold a Fairtrade tuck shop.

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Students rise to the occasion at One World Charity Challenge 2024 finals

The winning team from Ballakermeen High School are presented with their prize by Chief Minister Alfred Cannan

It was another close contest at this year’s Grand Finals of the One World Charity Challenge competition – a project that introduces Year 12 students to people working in international development. The six finalists had already battled through the in-school heats to represent their chosen charities after a record 32 teams signed up to the programme last September.

Taking the top spot in 2024 were the team from Ballakermeen High School who won the judges over with their presentation on the charity Disability Africa and the many initiatives they had taken to raise awarenesss – including writing and publishing a book for children! They won £1,500 for Disability Africa and it was the third year running that a team from Ballakermeen took home the Frances Davidson Cup!

Second were the team from Castle Rushen High School who represented Village Africa and who also picked up the AFD Award for Advocacy for their work raising awareness of the charity in local media. They won £1,000 for Village Africa in second place and another £1,000 through the Advocacy prize.

Picking up third place was the team from Ramsey Grammar School who won £750 for The Leprosy Mission. They were followed by three runners up that included the teams from King William’s College representing The Virtual Doctors, Queen Elizabeth II High School representing Pump Aid and St Ninian’s High School representing Self Help Africa. All three runners up won £500 each for their charities.

We are indebted to the judges who had a difficult job. They were Jesamine Kelly, Principal of UCM; Phil Gawne, former MHK and chair of the Isle of Man’s International Development Committee , Michael Manning, the Eighth Manx Bard; and Dr Christa McCartney, Lecturer in business ethics and social responsibility. The venue and technical help were kindly provided by AFD Ltd.

Most of all we are grateful to the One World Centre members and supporters who generously provided the prize fund on this occasion, and to the Isle of Man Government who covered the education and organisational costs through the International Development Education and Awareness Raising Grant. We are now on the hunt for funders for the 2024-25 competition.

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Human Rights in the spotlight

Thank you to everyone who came along to our free talk about human rights at the Manx Museum just before Easter.

Our three speakers – Ken Corlett, Dawn Kinnish MLC and Andrew Langan-Newton – each gave different perspectives on human rights, covering conflict, equality, and climate change.

We received some excellent feedback on the event and will look to return to some of these subjects again in the future.

In the meantime, don’t forget our photographic exhibition exploring human rights with a focus on children which is currently on display at the Isle of Man Airport until the end of April.

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Join us at our free talk on human rights

Come and join us for a free talk on Thursday 21st March at the Manx Museum as we explore the role of human rights in today’s complex world. Do they still hold out the promise of a better future? And how are they being used to defend our liberty, equality and justice?

Starting at 7pm, the talk is part of our work marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and will feature three short presentations followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A.

Speakers include Ken Corlett who will talk about his experience of human rights investigations in conflict zones, Dawn Kinnish MLC who will talk about the interaction between human rights and equality, and Andrew Langan-Newton who will consider how human rights law could shape action on climate change.

Suitable for anyone with an interest in current affairs, social justice or global issues. Students are very welcome.

Although the talk is free to attend, tickets should be booked either through Eventbrite at or by calling us on 310191.

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One Day I Will – stunning photographic exhibition to mark 75 years of UDHR

We’re absolutely thrilled to be hosting this amazing photographic exhibition by French photographer Vincent Tremeau at the Isle of Man Airport as part of our work in marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Vincent’s fantastic portraits feature children from conflict zones and other troubled areas as they imagine what they want to be when they grew up. Using items they had to hand as props, many chose the jobs they were most familiar with – soldiers, teachers, nurses and doctors – but some had great aspirations to work in roles they had never seen in action such as sailors, pilots and even President!

For Vincent, the photos are “a dialogue with the future, an invitation to all of us to consider the role we play in shaping a world where every child can achieve their dreams, irrespective of their current circumstances.”

Exhibiting this project in the Isle of Man, he says, “presents a unique opportunity to bridge continents and cultures, sparking conversations about the resilience of the human spirit, the importance of education, and the enduring power of hope.”

The photo exhibition is on the first floor of the airport and will be on show until the end of April. It is one of a number of activities to mark Human Rights 75 and is upported by the Isle of Man Government’s International Development Education and Awareness Raising grant.

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Sustainable Fashion competition launched

We all know the fashion industry has a heavy environmental impact: according to the UN Environment Programme, the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is thought to be responsible for up to 8% of global human-related carbon emissions, more than international flights and maritime shipping combined.

Fast fashion – the creation of cheap clothes turned out very quickly – also has significant social impacts including poor working conditions for many garment workers and the fuelling of a throw-away culture. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has estimated that of the 100 billion garments produced each year, 92 million tonnes end up in landfill or incinerators – that’s the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes every second. Meanwhile, people are on average buying 60 per cent more clothes than 15 years ago but wearing them for only half as long.

Our Sustainable Fashion competition – open to all those under the age of 25 on the Isle of Man – challenges young people to explore how we can do better by designing and creating a wearable item using sustainable principles. This may be by using recycled or natural materials, adopting a zero-waste approach or by showing how fashion can become part of a circular economy. There is £100 for grabs for first prize and runners up prizes including a £50 voucher kindly donated by the OMA Sustainable Living store in Ramsey.

Please flag this competition up to any young people you know. The closing date is 19 July 2024 and more details, the T&Cs and entry form are here

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The importance of global learning

As part of Global Learning Fortnight towards the end of last year, we asked other groups, organisations and individuals about the relevance and value of global learning on the Isle of Man. Their answers were illuminating – and you can read them all below!

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