Category Archives: Uncategorized

Global Village is go, go, go!

We are so pleased to be able to return to Tynwald Day with another Global Village this year, thanks to support from the Isle of Man Government’s International Development Education and Awareness Raising grant. We’re looking forward to another day … Continue reading

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Introducing Mighty Movies

Mighty Movies is a new initiative showcasing films from other countries or that have a global perspective. Our first film will be Winners, which we are screening in collaboration with Henry Bloom Library in Douglas. This is a movie from Iran,  … Continue reading

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SDG Art Competition 2024 launches – Making the World a Fairer Place

We are pleased to announce the launch of our annual SDG Art Competition which this year focuses on SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities. Recognising that the world is not an equal place, the competition is aimed at young people up … Continue reading

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Isle of Man’s Fairtrade status renewed

With World Fairtrade Day being marked last Saturday, we finally found time to announce that the Isle of Man has had its Fairtrade status renewed until July 2026 by the Fairtrade Foundation. We are also pleased to announce that the … Continue reading

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Students rise to the occasion at One World Charity Challenge 2024 finals

It was another close contest at this year’s Grand Finals of the One World Charity Challenge competition – a project that introduces Year 12 students to people working in international development. The six finalists had already battled through the in-school … Continue reading

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Human Rights in the spotlight

Thank you to everyone who came along to our free talk about human rights at the Manx Museum just before Easter. Our three speakers – Ken Corlett, Dawn Kinnish MLC and Andrew Langan-Newton – each gave different perspectives on human … Continue reading

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Join us at our free talk on human rights

Come and join us for a free talk on Thursday 21st March at the Manx Museum as we explore the role of human rights in today’s complex world. Do they still hold out the promise of a better future? And … Continue reading

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One Day I Will – stunning photographic exhibition to mark 75 years of UDHR

We’re absolutely thrilled to be hosting this amazing photographic exhibition by French photographer Vincent Tremeau at the Isle of Man Airport as part of our work in marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Vincent’s fantastic … Continue reading

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Sustainable Fashion competition launched

We all know the fashion industry has a heavy environmental impact: according to the UN Environment Programme, the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is thought to be responsible for up to 8% of global human-related carbon emissions, … Continue reading

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The importance of global learning

As part of Global Learning Fortnight towards the end of last year, we asked other groups, organisations and individuals about the relevance and value of global learning on the Isle of Man. Their answers were illuminating – and you can … Continue reading

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