One World Centre Safeguarding Statement
It is our responsibility as Global Citizens and promoters of Global citizenship within the formal and informal education sectors to uphold the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This document outlines our responsibility in reference to articles 19,32,33,34,36,39 of the UNCRC, which refer to children’s rights to:
• Protection from being hurt or badly treated
• Protection from work that is bad for your health or education
• Protection from dangerous drugs
• Protection from sexual abuse
• Protection from any other kind of exploitation
• The right to help if hurt, neglected or badly treated.
It is agreed that in all areas of our work, the welfare of children is most important, all children have the right to protection from abuse, all concerns and allegations are to be taken seriously and responded to quickly.
It is our responsibility to ensure that all persons coming into contact with children and young people either as a member of staff, or on our behalf (for example, hired artists) to be aware of, and agree to abide by this safeguarding and child protection policy and procedure, whether as part of a formal contract of employment or informal agreement.
The One World Centre has a code of conduct for staff and volunteers which you can find here.