75th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This Sunday 10th December marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This landmark document, agreed in 1948 in the aftermath of the Second World War, recognised that all humans, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status, have universal rights. These range from the most fundamental – the right to life – to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.

Our tree at the Strand Shopping Centre

At a time when conflict and increasingly authoritarian regimes are eroding these rights for millions of people around the world, it is important that we take time we remember these rights were agreed by 192 nations to give freedom, equality and justice for all. It is up to us as citizens to demand that they are defended everywhere and for everyone.

We will be organising a talk around human rights in the New Year but to mark the anniversary date we have created two Christmas trees illustrating all 30 articles of the Declaration. One of these is in the Strand Shopping Centre (9th and 10th December) and one is in the Festival of Trees at the Isle of Man airport (until early January).

We have also asked both the Manx Bard Boakesey Closs and the Manx Youth Bard Hadassah Smith to compose a poem to mark the occasion. You can read their poems on the links below.

Villanelle for Human Rights – Manx Bard. You can also listen to a recording here

The Battle of – Manx Youth Bard

Winds of the Earth – Manx Youth Bard

For more information about the UDHR and the 75th anniversary please go to https://www.ohchr.org/en/get-involved/campaign/udhr-75

#humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow

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Global Learning Fortnight

Along with our fellow development education centres in England, we are marking Global Learning Fortnight (27th November to 10th December), a new initiative to raise awareness of the importance of learning about global issues. Each global learning centre will highlight activities in its area and also share resources online for others to use.

Here in the Isle of Man we are marking the fortnight with:

  • our free film screening of Fashion Reimagined (see post below for details on how to get tickets)
  • the launch of our Sustainable Fashion Competition which challenges young people on the Isle of Man to design and create an item of wearable fashion using sustainable practices. Open to everyone under the age of 25, the competition is an opportunity to consider how we can better look after the earth’s resources and improve the conditions of many of the people around the world who make our clothes
  • an online campaign about global learning which will feature a number of local people and organisations highlighting the importance of global education and global citizenship (check out our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages)

There will also be displays of globally-themed books in some local libraries and there will be activities to mark the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights which takes place at the end of the fortnight on 10th December.

In addition, ideas for tried and tested global learning activities have been shared with schools and the One World Centre is offering the use of some of its resources including unusual maps, books and artefacts.

It’s important to remember that learning doesn’t just take place at school – what can you do this #GlobalLearningFortnight to raise your own awareness of global issues and the wider world?!

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Join us for a free screening of Fashion Reimagined

Join us at Kensington Arts Centre in Douglas on Friday 1st December for a screening of Fashion Reimagined which shines a light on fashion’s environmental impact and the designer who is doing something about it.

Trailblazing designer Amy Powney is on a mission to create a sustainable collection from field to finished garment. The film starts at 7.30pm and admission is free but please book tickets through this link.

We will also be launching our Sustainable Fashion Competition for under 25s on the Isle of Man at the same time!

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‘Food for All’ competition winners recognised at pop-up art display

Gill Nicholls, Overall Winner 18 & Over

Meet the winners from our 2023 SDG Art Competition, based on the theme ‘Food for All’ in support of SDG 2 Zero Hunger.

We were delighted to have DEFA Minister Clare Barber on hand to present them with their prizes at a special pop-up art display at the Villa Marina last weekend, timed to coincide with the Isle of Man Festival of Food & Drink.

Gill Nicholls was the overall winner in the adult category with Hadyn Johnson taking the top prize in the Under 18 section.

Over 250 entries were received in total and the high number of entries triggered a £200 donation to the Isle of Man Foodbank by Shoprite who also supported the competition by providing the first prize of £100 in vouchers to the overall adult winner. The other prizes were a selection of sustainably produced art materials (including sketch books made out of recycled coffee cups) and fairly-traded chocolate.

The competition encouraged artists to think about hunger, food waste and food security, reflecting that there are still around 800 million people in the world who go to bed hungry every night and malnutrition is still a leading cause of death among children under the age of five. At the same time, around one third of the food produced around the world is wasted.

We hope to put on another exhibition of the entries later in the year.

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Notice of AGM

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Come and see us at Douglas Fun Day

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Douglas Fun Day tomorrow Saturday 5th August (now postponed to Sunday 6th August) – weather permitting! We will have a fiendish food quiz for you that will also test your geography skills. Do come and say hello!

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Final few days for SDG Art Competition

Don’t forget the closing date for our art competition Food for All, based around SDG 2 Zero Hunger, is on Monday 31st July. The office will be open all afternoon on Monday to receive entries but please get in touch if you need to arrange an alternative drop off date and time.

Remember that Shoprite is kindly donating £1 for every entry (up to £200) to the Isle of Man Foodbank – so just by taking part you are taking positive action on zero hunger!

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Food for All – SDG Art Competition 2023 launched

If there is enough food in the world to feed everyone, why are some people still going hungry? That’s a question we’re posing in our 2023 SDG Art Competition “Food for All”, based this year on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.

The competition invites artists of all ages and abilities to think about how food could be shared more equally and what actions we can take to ensure everyone gets enough to keep them healthy. Artists are also encouraged to think about how we can make food production more sustainable for people and the planet, for example, by reducing food waste, buying local and trading fairly.

There are two classes of entries – Under 18s ,who are tasked with producing a poster on positive action we can take to reduce hunger, and 18 & Over who can produce any kind of artwork in response to the theme.

And, thanks to the kind support of Shoprite, every entry into the competition will see a £1 donation to the Isle of Man Foodbank (up to £200) so just by taking part you are already helping out!

For more details, the entry form and T&Cs please click here

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Join us at Springfest Saturday 20th May

Saturday, 20th May 2023, sees a celebration of Spring at Springfest, taking place in the Top Hall at the Promenade Methodist Church in Douglas. The event is a collaboration between Café Lingo, The Welcome Project and the One World Centre.

Entertainment at a previous Springfest

Springfest will feature live music, games and quizzes, food from around the world and children’s activities. Fun for all the family, it is free to attend and open to everyone of any nationality, gender, faith or no faith.

Among the performers will be Manx dance group Perree Bane, Annie Pearce on the handpan, Paul Rogers on the fiddle and Vlad the Piper playing the Bulgarian bagpipe. Members of the Chinese Association will also be performing a dance.

The event will start at 10.30am and further information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/thewelcomeprojectiom.

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Thrilling finale to One World Charity Challenge 2023

The winning team from Ballakermeen who represented the charity Advantage Africa

A thrilling finals night saw a team from Ballakermeen High School scoop the top prize in this year’s One World Charity Challenge event, held at Babbage’s at the end of March.

Representing the charity Advantage Africa, the Ballakermeen team gave a lively and highly entertaining presentation that focused on the charity’s work, particularly with those suffering from albinism. Presenting in a game-show format, the team demonstrated what they had learned and how they had raised awareness of the work of the charity with other young people on the Isle of Man. They were awarded Overall Winners and received a cheque for £4,000 which will go directly to the charity.

Runner’s up St Ninian’s High School were runners up and also won an extra £1,000 advocacy prize for Tree Aid

It is the second year in a row that a team from Ballakermeen has been awarded top prize, however it was a closely fought contest with the team from St Ninian’s High School, representing Tree Aid, taking second prize and also the AFD Award for Advocacy which meant they won £3,000 for their chosen charity.

A team from King William’s College, representing Gumboots UK, an education charity working with young people in South Africa, were placed third winning £1,000, with Castle Rushen High School representing Hospice Africa and Queen Elizabeth II High School representing International Refugee Trust winning £700 and £500 respectively.

The Castle Rushen team represented Hospice Africa

This was the sixteenth edition of One World Charity Challenge which is an annual project for Year 12 students on the Isle of Man. Small teams choose a charity working in the field of international development, researching it, advocating for it and drawing together a multimedia presentation which is delivered in front of a live audience. The teams must also show how the charity addresses the aims of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which aim to shape a fairer and more sustainable world for all.

The project was kindly enabled this year through the sponsorship of Gary and Susan Clueit, who have supported educational opportunities, mostly for women, in sub-Saharan Africa for many years through their charity foundation. All the charities in this year’s Charity Challenge are working in Africa and all those not being represented in the grand finals event each received a donation of £150 on behalf of the teams representing them.

QE2 represented International Refugee Trust

The uneviable task of choosing the winners fell to the judges who this year comprised Jesamine Kelly, Principal of UCM, Joff Whitten of the Children’s Centre, Zara Lewin, Onchan Commissioner and Youth Worker, Vusimbe Zivave, an architect raised in Zimbabwe, and Joney Faragher MHK.

Speaking after the event, One World Charity Challenge Project Officer Helen Kneale said, “The finals night is culmination of six months of work by the teams who have already taken part in in-school heats to get to the finals. Overall, we had 21 teams of young people taking part who all had the opportunity to learn about charities working in international development and to understand how their own actions could make a difference to their chosen charity’s aims.

King William’s College presenting on Gumboot UK

“As well as encouraging young people to become global citizens, the project provides lots of useful transferable skills such as research, presenting, teamwork and time management that will be extremely beneficial for future university and job applications.”

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