Just a reminder that Fairtrade Fortnight is being celebrated from 9th – 22nd September this year to tie in with the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade movement in the UK.
During this time, we will be raising awareness of our Fairtrade Island status and the positive work that Fairtrade does in supporting farmers and small producers in developing countries. This will include having a stall in Strand Street on Saturday 14th September.
In the meantime, we took the opportunity before schools broke up to run another Fairtrade Conference for local primary students. This was held at Legislative Buildings (thanks to the kind support of Tynwald President Laurence Skelly) and the children spent a full school day learning about different aspects of Fairtrade. This included a debate held in the Tynwald Chamber and a keynote speech by live video link from the Fairtrade Foundation in London. It also included some very tasty Fairtrade treats courtesy of the Manx Co-op.
The students went away full of ideas for supporting Fairtrade Fortnight in their own schools after the holidays so we look forward to finding out how they get on next month. More information on Fairtrade Fortnight can be found here