Welcome back Movingsounds

moving soundsWe’re delighted to welcome back Movingsounds, a performing arts group from Lewes in Sussex who will be touring schools in the Isle of Man this week with a specially-prepared assembly and workshop on environmental matters. Movingsounds have worked with the One World Centre previously on Eco-School projects and their latest visit builds on the interest sparked by Year of Our Island and the award of the UN Biosphere status. Using a mix of story-telling and hands-on activities – and a lot of “junk” percussion instruments – Movingsounds will encourage students to explore our impact on the environment, some of the challenges around our consumerism and how we can make positive changes and choices for a better planet for all.

moving sounds pic

New props for Movingsounds latest visit to Isle of Man schools

The Movingsounds visit has been made possible through the IoM Government’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Grant which supports some of the educational activities provided by the One World Centre.

And don’t worry if you can’t see the group in schools, Movingsounds will also be performing for the general public around 2pm at the Global Village on Friday 5th July.


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