Thank you!

A big thank-you to all OWC supporters who turned up on Saturday 17th to the “Refugees Welcome” event on Douglas promenade.

It was a great success in that we got excellent coverage before and after the event in the newspapers;  many passers-by got to understand a lot more about the issues and the actual details of the request we are asking; we were able to show our support for the marches in London and other cities, and we launched the petition which so far has over 250 names on paper and 92 online. Amnesty International U.K. have taken a great interest in what we are doing and are planning to do an article on it in their next magazine.

We really need your help in keeping the momentum going over the next few weeks as we wait for the new government to settle in. PLEASE circulate the appeal among your contacts, groups & organisations to reach as many people as possible. The online petition is at  <>  It takes less than a minute: you only need to put your name & email and press “click”! There is no need to write a comment or sign up to the petition website.

If you would like copies of the fact sheet or the petition, please contact us.

lifejackets on railings

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