Meet on Peel Beach by the Kiosk opposite the Marine Hotel at 20:00 on Sunday 16th June 2013 for a BBQ (bring your own food), followed by a vigil from 22-24:00.
We will be remembering the G8 who will be meeting in Northern Ireland on Monday and Tuesday, 17th and 18th June. One of the items on their agenda is World Hunger. We want them to take action to make sure that the 1 in 8 of the world’s population that go to bed hungry every day have enough food.
There is enough food for everyone IF:
* Subsistence farmers are given the tools they need to produce their own food
* Land is made available to them to farm, and isn’t grabbed to produce cash crops or biofuels for us
* Companies pay taxes in the right countries
* Governments and Companies are open and transparent about food
Please bring containers for tea lights (we have 800 to light up a large IF), and any readings, thoughts, dance or music to share.