Along with our fellow development education centres in England, we are marking Global Learning Fortnight (27th November to 10th December), a new initiative to raise awareness of the importance of learning about global issues. Each global learning centre will highlight activities in its area and also share resources online for others to use.
Here in the Isle of Man we are marking the fortnight with:
- our free film screening of Fashion Reimagined (see post below for details on how to get tickets)
- the launch of our Sustainable Fashion Competition which challenges young people on the Isle of Man to design and create an item of wearable fashion using sustainable practices. Open to everyone under the age of 25, the competition is an opportunity to consider how we can better look after the earth’s resources and improve the conditions of many of the people around the world who make our clothes
- an online campaign about global learning which will feature a number of local people and organisations highlighting the importance of global education and global citizenship (check out our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages)
There will also be displays of globally-themed books in some local libraries and there will be activities to mark the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights which takes place at the end of the fortnight on 10th December.
In addition, ideas for tried and tested global learning activities have been shared with schools and the One World Centre is offering the use of some of its resources including unusual maps, books and artefacts.
It’s important to remember that learning doesn’t just take place at school – what can you do this #GlobalLearningFortnight to raise your own awareness of global issues and the wider world?!