Documenting Covid-19

Daily life has changed drastically for most of us here in the Isle of Man at the moment but what’s it like in other countries around the world as they face the coronavirus pandemic?

We’re looking for stories from friends and families overseas to create a picture of how coronavirus is impacting everyone – what shared problems we face, what we’re missing most and what we’ll be looking forward to when life returns to “normal”. A picture and a post is fine – a short video clip even better!

Please share this with anyone you know who would be willing to get involved. They can either post on our Facebook page or email to Some questions to think about:

What is the current situation in your country/region?
How is this affecting daily life?
What is the greatest impact to you personally?
What do you miss doing the most?
Has there been anything positive or unexpected to come out of this for you?
Will you do anything differently when life returns to normal?

Coronavirus has shown us how interconnected and interdependent the world is – and how we are all facing this together. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

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