An Incovenient Sequel – free screening

Sequel to the award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth

As part of our activities for One World Week (this year’s theme is Climate Changes Everything: Now is the time to act), we are providing a free screening of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power on Tuesday 22nd October at the Ballakermeen Studio Theatre in Douglas.

This is the follow up film to Al Gore’s famous documentary about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth. In this sequel, former Vice President Gore further explores the perils of climate change and assesses how close we are to an energy revolution as cameras follow him in his quest to raise awareness and inspire a new generation of problem-solvers.

With the declaration of a Climate Emergency earlier this year by the Isle of Man Government and the establishment of a Climate Change Emergency Transition team, One World Week is a very appropriate opportunity to provide the public with more information about the issues we all face and how they can be tackled.

There will be similar events highlighting the need to take action on climate change all around the UK and we hope this will spark more discussion on the way forward – and that we all recognise our responsibilities as national and global citizens to future generations.

The film, which is rated PG, will start at 7.30pm and runs for 98 minutes. It is free to attend but please book tickets through Eventbrite here.

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