Fairtrade Fortnight: 27th February-11th March
As part of the Fair Trade group on the Island, we are about to publish the details of events arranged for Fairtrade Fortnight. Look out for opportunities to meet Massatoma, who represents Cotton Farmers in Mali.
Perhaps you’d like your school to take part in the Fairtrade Cotton Bunting Competition, details of which can be found via this Word document.
Winners of Christmas tree competition
We were delighted that our celebration of the Isle of Man’s international links earned us joint first prize in the judges category, and joint second prize in the public vote! Thank you for your contributions to the tree, and for your votes. We hope to launch a wiki site soon to enable folk around the world to upload their stories about connections to the Island.
Film Evening
On Friday 20th January at 1930 we will be showing The Economics of Happiness at the Java Lounge. Admission Free (Donations welcome).
Welcome to our new-look web page!
Martin has spent many hours constructing our new website, and enabling us to update it ourselves. I hope this will ease the communications challenges that have occurred following the change in staffing.
If you’re looking for any information from our old website, which we’ve yet to transfer to this new layout, you may view the old site temporarily at old.oneworldcentreiom.org (page opens in a new tab/window ).
Fair Trade
Fair Trade Fortnight begins on Monday 27th February. We are working to renew our Fair Trade Island Status by the end of the fortnight. You can help us! We have a short survey that you could try in your neighbourhood. You could join our steering group. Fancy recording a Thought for the Day? Perhaps you could compile an exhibition for your local library or another central venue. Please use our contacts page to get in touch.
We are looking forward to welcoming a Malian who represents Fair Trade Cotton Farmers during the second week, and will post details of the events in our diary.
Christmas Trees at the Airport
We were delighted to take part in this year’s Christmas tree display, organised by Save the Children. Our theme was Manx Connections around the World and we were delighted by all the connections given in advance or added to the tree by visitors. We kept it personal, but simple. Here are some examples:
- Rosemary worked in Iraq 1991-92
- June was born in Singapore
- Rosa’s PhD thesis is based in Romania
We found connections with many places including St Helena, Tristan da Canha and Samoa.
Soon we will be launching a new Wiki site that will enable people around the world to tell their own stories of connections with the Isle of Man.
Independent Cinema
Every other Friday evening during the winter months we meet at Java Lounge for a movie that is unlikely to be screened elsewhere on the Island. Admission is free, but we appreciate donations to cover costs, and to support the work of the One World Centre. We expect to show the next film in the series on Friday 20th January 2012 at 1930.