Assemblies, banana smoothies, delicious home-made cake tasting, Fairtrade stalls, competitions, dress down days – just some of the activities across the Island over the last two weeks. Some cafes are trying Fairtrade tea and coffee for the first time. All Co-op, EVF garages, Shoprite, and Spar shops should be displaying signs demonstrating their support for Fairtrade. One highlight was the Thoughts for the Day for Manx Radio written and presented by pupils from Ballacottier School.
We hope that our Become a Fairtrade Detective competition has drawn attention to the wide range of outlets that are using or selling Fairtrade goods. There are still a few days to send in your entries.
Just because the Fortnight is finished doesn’t mean that we have to stop buying and using Fairtrade products. It would be great if schools could use their recent activities to qualify as Fairtrade Aware, the first step towards becoming a Fairtrade School.