We’re pleased to confirm that, as a result of our street collection in the Isle of Man, we have now been able to send more than £18,500 to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal to help DEC charities and their partners to deliver humanitarian aid to people suffering inside Ukraine and those who have fled to neighbouring countries.
In addition to those who are stuck in cities and towns that are under attack, more than 2.3 million people have left Ukraine since the conflict began, leaving their homes, jobs and loved ones. Half of these are estimated to be children. The UN estimates that 12 million are in need of life-saving assistance – 30% of the population.
The DEC Appeal has now raised £150 million in total, enabling an immediate response to urgent needs but there is growing concern for the long-term consequences of the destruction. If you would like to make a donation to the Appeal please go to https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal